
Does turnover tend to slow down in winter?

It's been cold every day.

When I put my hand to my face, my cheek felt cold and chilly.

In winter, the temperature is low, making it easy for poor circulation to occur.

In cold environments, it is common for blood vessels to constrict and blood flow to decrease.

Poor circulation reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the surface of the skin, and also plays a major role in skin turnover.

Skin risks due to poor circulation

-Lack of oxygen

Poor circulation reduces the supply of oxygen to skin cells, slowing down cell turnover and affecting skin health.

Nutrient deficiencies

Nutrients are necessary for the function and regeneration of skin cells, so a deficiency of these nutrients can lead to a deterioration of the skin condition.

- Changes in sebum secretion

Poor circulation can also reduce the function of the sebaceous glands.

This causes dry skin and weakens the skin's barrier function.

・Effects of cold

Cold temperatures not only reduce blood circulation, but can also cause dry, sensitive skin.

How can I prevent skin problems during the cold winter?

・Moderate exercise

Regular exercise improves blood circulation and supports skin turnover.


Staying hydrated is especially important in cold weather, so use a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

・Adjusting room temperature

Adjust the temperature and humidity in your home to avoid catching a cold.

- Nutritional balance

It is important to eat a quality diet and get a balanced supply of the nutrients your skin needs.

The key to skin care in winter is to minimize the effects of poor blood circulation and maintain normal skin turnover.

Stay warm in the winter to avoid catching a cold.

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