Cutting carbs is the shortcut to beautiful skin

Do you know what "glycation" is?

Glycation = The binding of sugar with proteins and lipids.

Glycation produces AGEs (advanced glycation end products), which are substances that promote aging.

Glycation is also known as the Maillard reaction.

Once formed, AGEs accumulate in the body and have various adverse effects on the body.

●Loss of skin elasticity → Wrinkles and sagging

Yellowish dullness

● "Cytokine" production → leads to spots

AGEs are produced as we age, and it is believed that the rate of their production accelerates if we continue to eat a diet high in carbohydrates or lack exercise.

Lifestyle habits that prevent glycation

● Start your meal with vegetables

Incorporate light exercise

Avoid eating carbohydrates alone

Don't leave too much time between meals

●We recommend nuts and high-cocoa chocolate as snacks.

Be careful not to eat too much carbohydrate with a low-carb diet, and build a body that does not easily accumulate AGEs.

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